
How to Cook Chocolate Chiffon Cake / チョコレートシフォンケーキの作り方

How to Cook Chocolate Chiffon Cake / チョコレートシフォンケーキの作り方


So this is the first writing of this blog lol. Never thought that my blog would start with a cooking articule. My native language is Chinese, but since I am trying to learn Japanese while keeping the ability to use English, I’d like to use a mixture of Eng and Jpn in this blog. Forgive any mistake in the grammar etc..



  • Electric Mixer
  • Chiffon Aluminum Anodizing Mold | アルミトールシフォンケーキ型
  • Oven
  • Digital scale with 1g precision
  • Frying pan
  • Other tools


For plain cake

  • 5 eggs
  • 70g salad oil
  • 30g coco powder
  • 70g cake flour
  • 120g milk
  • 75g sugar

For cream

  • 200ml 47% whipping cream
  • 15g sugar
  • (Option) 10g coco powder


  1. Split the eggs. Take care not letting any yolk pollute the egg white.
  2. Mix the Flour.
    1. Heat the oil with weakest fire.
    2. Add in coco powder. Stop heating when the powder dissolves into the oil.
    3. Add in cake flour, milk, and yolk. Stir them up.
  3. Make Meringue
    1. Use the mixer to beat the egg white. Add one third of the sugar after big bubbles are poping up.
    2. Add another one third of the sugar when the egg white turns cream-like.
    3. Add remainign sugar after the egg white stop flowing.
    4. Keep mixing until hard peak (when the small peak can stand on itself).
  4. Mix up meringue and flour. Use folding method to during mixing.
  5. Pour the mixture into the cake tin. Cook with oven on 140 degree for 50 mins. After taking out of oven, the cake tin should be put upside-down immediately until cooled.
  6. Make whipped Cream (Option)
    1. Mix cream, sugar and coco powder together.
    2. Similar with making meringue, add the sugar in batches while beating.
  7. Spread the cream and add other decorations.